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Avalon Building Systems Blog

Avalon Provides Simple Floor Plans and Custom Ones As Well

3 March 2011

We like to offer a wide variety of floor plans for our customers and because of this our customers usually find the floor plan that directly matches their needs. Some of our customers choose to customize floor plans and we are happy to work with you toward this end. We enjoy being a part of our customer's dream for a magnificently built modular home. If you select one of our standard modular home plans, it will save you time and simplify the home building decision process since the design, engineering, and pricing have already been done by us. If you're having trouble selecting a floor plan, then you’ve come to the right place. We would like to share with you some insider tips to select a floor plan that is right for you.

When looking through our selection of modular home plans, do not be misled by the pairing of modular home floor plans and exterior drawings into thinking that you cannot make adjustments.  In fact, each of our floor plans for modular homes can have a multitude of exterior looks, and each exterior look can be applied to many different modular house floor plans. All of our standard modular home plans typically include a floor plan and an exterior elevation. The modular floor plans show the location and size of each room, while the elevations provide an idea of what the finished house will look like on the outside.  You can adjust the slope of the roof, add dormers and decorative gables, and opt for over-sized roof overhangs if you choose, regardless of what you see in the drawing. There are a multitude of additional items you can add to your modular home.

Avalon works with all of its customers to ensure happiness and quality in its design. Remember, we won’t be offended if you are not interested in our floor plans, we will work with you to design your home. Contact us today to get started on your dream home.

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Modular Homes Are the Green Choice for Building Construction

24 February 2011

Green building, or construction that is environmentally responsible, is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people have become conscious of the impact that construction has on the environment, both while the structure is being built, and for years afterward. Homeowners who wish to build a green home are to be commended for making the commitment to construction that works in harmony with the environment. However, for those in rural areas or smaller markets, finding both the materials to build a green home, and contractors who are familiar with green building techniques can be a challenge.

Modular homes
can be an excellent solution for homeowners who find it difficult to build green with local materials and builders. Not only are modular homes as attractive both in appearance and in financial terms as traditionally-built homes, but they offer just as many customization options; everything from the floor plan to the green building plan can be chosen specifically by the homeowner.

Unlike traditionally-built homes, modular homes are by design an environmentally conscious choice. From the ground up, a modular home’s impact on the environment is smaller than that of a traditional home. The home site isn’t the only aspect of the modular home that ups its green factor. The construction process of a modular home is much less wasteful – and has a smaller environmental impact – than that of a traditionally-built home. Be sure to contact us today to learn more about modular homes and our green efforts in building safer and more eco-friendly homes.

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Now it is the Best Time to Start Thinking Modular

17 February 2011

Building and buying a new modular home is exciting and there has never been a better time to build! There are many details to consider as you begin this process. Whether you’ve built several homes or this is your first, we’ll strive the make the experience a pleasant one. With the coming of springtime it is perfect weather to start thinking about building a dream home for you and your family.

We offer many different floor plans for you to choose from or we can build a custom design home for you. With our integrated SIP panel technology, building sturdy, reliable homes is what we have to offer for all of our valued customers. We also offer a vast array of information regarding modular technology and its benefits.When decided for a modular home please consider the following:
  • What budget you are trying to stay within?
  • Your time-frame for building your new home.
  • The style of home you are looking to build.
  • The area or area(s) you have interest in.
Contact us today should you have any questions regarding modular homes and their benefits. Be sure to navigate through our site to learn more about modular construction how you can have your beautiful dream home this coming spring.

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Modular Office Buildings Can Save You Time and Money

10 February 2011

In today's time, making the decision to open up a new business or even facing the need to build additions to existing location in order to meet the growing demands of a company's increase in productivity can cause tremendous concern for most any company's finances. It is also a business decision that numerous companies must make every single day. Thanks to the turn-key solutions provided with the construction of modular office buildings, company owners have the ability to save a large amount of money and time that it would otherwise take for more conventional modes of construction.

To list just a few of the reasons why modular office buildings are such a cost-effective solution for a wide variety of businesses such as health-care facilities, educational classrooms, commercial and governmental offices include the following:

  • The amount of both money and time that is required for construction can literally be completed in half the amount of time and cost that that it takes for traditional methods. Not only does this mean less money required for the overall construction, but it also means less down-time in the production of a company's services or products.
  • Maintenance requirements are very minimal. Over time and with exposure to elements of the weather, you can almost guarantee that offices built using other construction modes will begin needing different types of maintenance requirements that can be extremely costly and time consuming. A large portion of future maintenance requirements are eliminated with prefab buildings, which is another benefit that can save money and time when a businesses uses modular office buildings.
  • The relocation of a company is never a worry with prefab buildings. It is often much easier just to completely rebuild a business instead of trying to move it when business owners would like to move to a different area or location. Relocation is an easy achievement when modular office buildings are used.
  • More can be achieved using less space. While a company can save large amounts of money and time using modular office buildings, they can also save on construction space requirements. With unique design plans, the area for production can be obtained using a lot less space with prefab buildings than what is required from conventional methods to obtain the same amount of production area.
No matter how you look at it, the bottom line is that business owners that use modular office buildings for new construction, additions and relocation requirements, are making a sound financial move that will save money and time for their business. Contact us today to learn more about our modular office buildings and be sure to check out our floor plans as well.

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Modular Home Construction Is Steadily Increasing While Other Housing Options Have Halted

3 February 2011

Recent trends at the end of 2009 and thus far in 2010 has seen new customers considering modular homes in greater numbers. The largest group is those that normally spend $200,000 for a home but are looking to maximize their value while keeping the price within their budget. Modular homes boast greater value through better durability, larger square footage and more amenities compared to most equally-priced site-built homes. Given the continued pricing instability of new and existing homes, modular homes give a more stable value.

The sub-prime mortgage crisis has affected just about every form of housing within the country. Lending is more restrictive, current home inventories are still tremendous, and a large percentage is unable to make their current mortgage payments. And while the modular home industry has felt the effects, the impact has been much less than on the site-built housing industry.

In addition to modular homes offering a better value solution, modular home manufacturers and retailers are expanding their markets. By being more creative with the usage of SIPs, Avalon Building Systems has found new customers who benefit from this technology. Residents in MA, CT, RI, ME, NH, VT and NY area starting to look more and more at modular homes as well. Contact us today should you have any questions regarding modular homes or if you'd like to take a look at our custom built homes we have to offer.

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Having a Proper Budget Plan is Key When Purchasing a New Modular Home

27 January 2011

Buying a home doesn't have to be a stressful expenditure. While it is a very big step in your life maintaining a proper budget and financial goal will help move the process along smoothly.The development of a household budget is a must activity both before you build a custom modular home as well as during your ownership of that home. By preparing a budget you can better focus on mortgage payment goals and how the new house will affect your total expenses. Maintaining a budget during the time you own the home can help to prevent potential financial disasters as well as point you in a money saving direction so you have more funds available for those things that you need or want. Some of the items and information you will need to develop your budget are:
  1. All current monthly loan payments.
  2. All other monthly expenses
  3. Records of variable expenses from the last 12 months. This will give you an estimate of your monthly expenditures.
  4. Records of annual or semi-annual expenses
  5. An estimate of what your new mortgage payment will be.
  6. Records of other non-fixed expenses for the last year.
  7. Records or an estimate of personal expenses
  8. Having a current copy of your credit report can be very helpful.
Be realistic in your budget assessment. Make provisions for possible increases in some items. Then, look for ways to get and maintain control over your budget. Once you have prepared your budget the next step is to look for the dream home of your choice and what better way than to use Avalon Building Systems to help you in your quest? Contact us today to see our floor plans and how we can help to make your home a reality. 

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Modular Construction Continues on the Rise During a Weak Economy

21 January 2011

Many in the industry have noted the encouraging phenomenon of the flourishing modular construction industry, especially given the fact that we are still experiencing a weak economy. Not only that, but the construction industry itself has taken an especially hard hit since the economy took a turn, especially housing. Nevertheless, modular construction is surging ahead.

More and more homeowners are venturing into the once-stigmatized modular home market, and more and more governments and businesses are choosing to build with modular construction, due to its lower costs and convenience.

So why the ongoing prosperity of modular construction?

Well in a weak economy where everyone is trying to save money, the most cost effective solutions are going to win out. This accounts for the recent proliferation of bargain shopping companies. Also, there is a hypervigilance in today’s business world to adapt quickly, innovate, and stay up to date with the latest economic trends. Modular construction combines cost effectiveness with the flexibility necessary for businesses to alter their physical workspaces and keep up with the changing times.

It also helps that modular construction and other forms of modular design have been increasingly associated with the green movement, due to inherent energy saving/recycling qualities found in modular construction. In essence, modular construction is a more evolved, more intelligent form of construction that seeks to address the inefficiencies of traditional construction. In times of prosperity, change might come more slowly, as the current conventions seem to work alright. However, in recessionary times, it becomes essential to rethink old techniques and adapt to harsh landscapes.

It is the combination of these elements that have propelled modular construction into one of the fastest growing industries in the world today, even in a decline. Contact us today to find out more about modular design and how it can reshape your home or business.

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Summary of how Modular Homes are the Growing Trend

13 January 2011

It is a new year and more people are starting to turn their efforts green and in a more efficient approach. One of these growing trends is the use of modular construction. Not only is modular being used for homes but also buildings and offices as well. There are many, many benefits and features we can list but to make it simple, we'll provide a short summary of why modular construction works for years to come.

Lower Cost: Modular homes are built in factories and take advantage of "volume" pricing. The assembly line process allows for maximum labor efficiency.

Quality Control
: Modular homes are built in a controlled environment and engineered for trouble-free durability. Quality control is maintained by constant inspection throughout the construction process.

High Quality Materials Less Waste: To insure a safe delivery of your home, modular homes are built exceptionally well, using high quality materials. Typically, 20%-30% lumber is saved and used for other projects, so nothing is wasted.

Peace of Mind: Modular homes come at a guaranteed price.

Quicker Build Time: Modular homes are stick built, using the same components and techniques as site built homes, but in a controlled, indoor environment - there are no weather delays, and your home is not exposed to the elements during construction. Lower utility costs/higher resale value! as most are built today, using ENERGY STAR appliances and companies are building homes that optimize comfort and savings with features that include leading-edge heating systems, additional insulation, advanced air-infiltration preventions packages, high performance windows and more!
Choices: And lots of them! Carpeting, vinyl, ceramic tile, interior doors, counter-tops - any component in the home!

Functionality: Built with floor plans for today's lifestyles - Ranches, Colonial, Bank style, and Multi-Family. Modular building offers you the chance to purchase a high quality home, customized to fit your tastes, lifestyle, and budget.

For most of us, our home is the largest, single investment we will ever make. With a modular home purchase, you can set your modular home on your land anywhere in the US.

Once you have ordered your new modular home and have chosen all the features you wish to have, Avalon will be in contact with you every step of the way throughout the building process. Once your home is delivered to your site, they will be there to insure that the rest of the development of lifting your home by crane onto your new foundation, getting utilities to the house, finishing any features you may have chosen for your elevation, including any special windows, basement, garage etc., and the roofing of your home. Contact us today to learn more about modular homes and see how they can turn your dream home into a reality.

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Having A New Home Built Can Be Expensive, But Not When You're Using Modular Construction

7 January 2011

Since your home is built in a factory, it is much less expensive than a custom-built home on-site. So how does all this save you money? As you know, factories use huge machines that build thousands of items in a short span of time. Thus, they deliver more savings in terms of time and labor. Instead of having a handful of construction workers on-site building your home in various weather conditions, you have a reliable, professional crew in a factory building your home in pristine conditions.

You can literally reduce the cost on your new house. By building a custom modular home you can easily save up to 30% on the price of your home! Avalon's modular homes are factory-constructed which are then delivered and assembled at your home site. Once assembled, your new home looks like any other home in your neighborhood, however, it exceeds all other homes in the neighborhood in terms of quality, strength, and durability.

We cut and mold the components and modules as per pre-set designs which reduces large amounts of waste that occurs at the individual home builder's sites. And left over material is never wasted; we use all of our material and help protect the planet by constructing homes this way. The factories transfer these savings to their customers to attract buyers in a competitive market. The savings to a buyer of a factory built home can be as large as 30% which bring your home within much easier reach. The home is then be transported to site on one or more trucks. The end result is a quality home, built in less time and for less money! Check out Avalon's quality floor plans for yourself! If you have any questions or concerns contact us today and we'll be happy to help.

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Have Your Dream Home Built With Modern Modular Technology

30 December 2010

Today, the educated consumers that are seeking to have a new home built to their specifications are increasingly turning to modular construction to achieve a higher quality of construction without sacrificing architectural style, open floor planning and quality finishes. Invariably, when clients initially call us, one of their first questions is "how do I get started?"

If your interest is having your new dream home built with modern modular technology and you, too, want to know "how to get started", we offer here the most important element to insure a successful project: selecting the right manufacturer of the modular housing components.

The modular components of your new home will be manufactured in a factory and those components will be shipped to your home site and finished to turnkey by the builder. Be sure to check out our selection of custom floor plans here. As you can see we are very committed to the modular home industry and to helping out our customers in any way possible, so if you have any other questions feel free to contact us.

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